Video Surfaces of Drake Kissing an Underage Teen Several Times During Performance

Video Surfaces of Drake Kissing an Underage Teen Several Times During Performance
Photo: HypeBeast
In a disturbing video that’s surfaced on Twitter, Drake welcomes a fan on stage from the audience before things go left.

The Daily Beast breaks down the video:

He kisses her body and lightly fondles her breasts, as the audience hoots and hollers with approval. After, he asks her how old she is. When she says she’s 17, the crowd erupts in laughter—as if it’s all some kind of joke. “I can’t go to jail yet, man!” shouts Drake, to amused cheers from the crowd. “Why do you look like that?!” “Well look, I had fun,” he continues. “I don’t know whether I should feel guilty or not, but I had fun. I like the way your breasts feel against my chest. I just want to thank you.” Drake then kisses her face several times again before bidding her adieu.

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