Blac Chyna Wants You To Try Her Skin Lightening Cream for Your Hyperpigmentation

Blac Chyna Wants to Help Cure Hyperpigmentation with New Skin Lightening Cream Whitenicious by denciA

Female entrepreneur, Blac Chyna is partnering with "Whitenicious by Dencia" to roll out her own jar of skin lightening cream called "Whitenicious X Blac Chyna Diamond Illuminating & Lightening Cream." The Swarovski Crystal detailed jar is expected to sell for around $250 per jar.

The cream is being marketed to men and women of all skin types. Apparently Blac Chyna has been an active user of the skin lightening cream for a few years now to deal with her hyperpigmentation, according to sources.

How do you feel about skin lightening?

(Source TMZ/Instagram)

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