Benzino Previously Arrested on Drug Felony Charges, Faces Up to 15 Years

Benzino Arrested on Drug Felony Charges, Faces Up to 15 Years
Benzino Arrested on Drug Felony Charges, Faces Up to 15 Years

In similar fashion to Ty Dolla's recent indictment, ex-LHHATL star, Benzino, is facing up to 15 years in jail for felony drug charges.

Benzino Arrested on Drug Felony Charges, Faces Up to 15 Years LHHATL Stevie j

It was just learned by TMZ that Benzino was arrested in January 2017 and  charged with felony possession of THC oil gummies (22 grams), felony possession of 6 MDMA pills, and misdemeanor possession of less than an ounce of weed.

Excerpt from Hot New Hip Hop: 
"Benzino's Atlanta apartment was raided by police, who found the drugs in his drawers and cabinets. He was arrested at the time and posted a $12k bail. Benzino's legal team tried to fight back against the authorities, claiming that the search and seizure was illegal. Unfortunately, a judge ruled that the cops searched the apartment legally. Benzino will learn today (December 12) when his case will go to trial. The case could head to trial as soon as next week if Benzino doesn't take a plea deal. He's looking at up to 15 years in prison for the crimes."

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