Arizona Couple Meeting with Mattel To Design Barbie Same-Sex Wedding Set

Arizona Couple Meeting with Mattel To Design Barbie Same-Sex Wedding Set
Arizona Couple Meeting with Mattel To Design Barbie Same-Sex Wedding Set

Ken's Gay Wedding?

A same-sex couple in Arizona are meeting with Mattel this week to present a proposal that could possibly change toy aisles forever.

Matt Jacobi and Nick Caprio are planning a wedding for next year and while looking for a doll wedding set to give their flower girl, all they could find was Ken and Barbie. The couple decided to get crafty and make their own wedding set by purchasing an extra Ken doll to represent their union accurately.

ABC13 Houston reports that “the project set into motion a campaign to get manufacturer Mattel to consider adding same-sex couples to their wedding sets”.
"It's going to come up in your family no matter what," Caprio said. "As more same-sex couples are having kids, your kids are going to have kids in the class that have gay parents and things like that too, so it's not that huge shock anymore."

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