Michelle Obama is the Most Admired Woman in America, Beating Out Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton

Michelle Obama is the Most Admired Woman in America, Beating Out Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton
Former First Lady Michelle Obama beat out Hillary Clinton and Oprah Winfrey as the most admired woman in America according to a Gallup poll.

USA Today reports that "this is the first time in 17 years a woman other than Hillary Clinton topped Gallup's Most Admired Woman list."
In fact, for 2018 Clinton actually slipped behind Michelle and Oprah. Obama, who is currently on a nationwide tour promoting her new memoir "Becoming," was mentioned 15 percent of the time, giving her a huge lead this year!

Oprah Winfrey was mentioned 5 percent of the time. Hillary Clinton and Melania Trump tied, as 4 percent of people mentioned them.
Michelle Obama is the Most Admired Woman in America, Beating Out Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton
Also on the list: Queen Elizabeth, Angela Merkel, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Ellen DeGeneres.

How is this study conducted:
Between Dec. 3 and 12, Gallup asked over 1,000 adults nationwide to name a woman and man living anywhere in the world they admire most. Gallup has conducted this poll annually since 1946, with the exception of 1976

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